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WarmWise Low Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP)
Through energy-efficiency measures, new technology and a better understanding of home heating, LIURP improves comfort, safety, affordability and energy efficiency at no cost to qualified customers.
WarmWise Audits and Rebates
This program is available to income qualified heat customers who may not be eligible for other consumption reduction programs. It offers a free Building Performance Institute-certified home energy audit, a custom energy-efficiency plan with estimated cost savings and, when appropriate, a free programmable thermostat. We will pay a portion of the costs for customers to use recommended energy efficiency measures.
Pilot Program
Our program offers up to $1,800 toward auditor recommended measures that may be used at the homeowner’s discretion. There is a $300 cap that can be used towards a new hot water tank.
We're piloting a safety program that will allow a homeowner to use up to $300 toward the repair of a gas line or other safety issues that may be found during an audit. The auditor will suggest the best use instant rebate dollars. The customer will have one year from the date of the completed audit to redeem the rebates.